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Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers In 2022-2023 kiến thức mới năm 2023

Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers In 2022-2023 – Cập nhật kiến thức mới nhất năm 2023

Being able to convey the essence of an article, essay, or paper in a few, brief sentences is an important skill that people should have. It serves them very well in various parts of their life. 

During speeches and presentations, being able to tell others about something new in a concise yet complete way is almost mandatory. Otherwise, these presentations would go on for too long. 

It is also great for memory retention, students have an easier time remembering something short, and summaries help with that immensely.

That’s why being able to summarize things is a very great skill to have. As you may have gathered already, summarizing refers to condensing a large amount of text into a smaller form while keeping its salient points intact. 

In this article, we will look at three AI-based online tools, that you can use to summarize the text in 2022. 

3 Best AI Summarizers to Consider

AI summarizers basically refer to tools that utilize NLP (natural language processing) and AI to read and understand the text. With AI, these tools are able to understand what parts of the text are important and that’s how they create summaries. 

In this section, we will check out three AI summarizers that can be found online.

  1. Summarizer.org

This is an AI-based text summarizing tool. It does not require users to create an account or pay any money as it is completely free.

Unexpectedly, it has a lot more features than one would expect from a free tool. Let’s go over them one by one. 

This tool has multiple input options. Users can choose to either copy and paste their content into the tool, or they can upload a Word/Text file instead. 

The length of the summary can be changed by the user. They can move a slider to set a percentage value that ranges from 20% to 100%.  This means, if you set the slider to 50%, the summary will be half as long as the original text.

Other features include support for six languages. The supported languages are:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Indonesian
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • Dutch.

The tool also shows the users the word count of their input text and the summary. So, users can see if the text was reduced in size by the correct amount. 

The tool also shows the summary in three different styles. You can choose to see the summary as a paragraph, a bulleted list, or only as a single sentence that best describes everything.

  1. Custom-writing.org

This is an online platform that provides multiple tools for writers. One of these tools is a summarizer. This summarizer is completely free, and it requires no registration or account creation to use. 

It works differently than most summarizers because you can limit the length of the summary to a number of sentences. Most tools have some kind of percentage value for summary size rather than a definite number of sentences. 

Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers in 2022-2023

Another thing that is different in this tool is that there is an input limit. You can only summarize text whose maximum length is 17,000 characters. 

Arguably, that is quite a generous limit, but seeing that most summarizers do not have limits at all, it is still considered a downside. 

The only supported language is English. There’s no option of uploading and downloading the text. The output can only be copied, fortunately, there is an on-screen shortcut for that. 

Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers in 2022-2023

The output cannot be reduced to less than three sentences, so at the very minimum, your summary will always be three sentences long. 

The tool lets you know how much the size of the text was reduced as well, in the given example, we can see that the summary is 89% of the size of the original passage.

Overall, it is a straightforward and easy-to-use tool. It can be utilized by different people to generate extractive summaries.

  1. Summarizingtool.net

This is an online platform that provides various tools for writers, one of them is an AI-based text summarizer. 

While other tools provided by this website have free and paid versions, the summarizer itself is a completely free tool. It also does not require users to create an account, so it is readily available. 

It has quite a few features available too, which is always welcome, especially in free tools.

Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers in 2022-2023

Some of its notable features are:

  • The tool supports eight languages
  • Word count of the original and summarized text is shown
  • File uploading and downloading supported
  • Summary size can be selected from 25,50 and 75 percent
Top 3 AI-Based Text Summarizers in 2022-2023

The output of the summary can be seen in three different ways. The options include:

“General” shows the summary as a paragraph, “Best line” only shows one line that best encapsulates the meaning of the text, and “Bullets” show the summary in a list form instead of a paragraph.

There are some shortcut buttons available that allow you to copy, download, or clear the text. Then there are also buttons that provide integration with other tools provided by the platform. All of these things add to the ease of use and make this tool more user-friendly.


Summarizing text to make it more digestible and easily understood is an important task. It is required in professional settings and non-professional settings alike. 

Humans are social creatures and being able to properly communicate is significant to them. In summarizing, communication through text and speech is improved as people are able to get to the gist of the matter in a shorter time.

With the three AI summarizing tools discussed in this article, anyone can start summarizing articles, essays, and papers to read them in a shorter time.

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