Kỹ thuật điện tử & Điện lạnh

Lubrication Oil Filters’ Inspection Standard- HS/QF 4216-2018 kiến thức mới năm 2023

Lubrication Oil Filters’ Inspection Standard- HS/QF 4216-2018 – Cập nhật kiến thức mới nhất năm 2023

1. General 
The standard of HS/QF 4216-2018 is issued according to national standard CB/T 4216-2013, and replace its’ terms.
The main material of tested filter is filer house and filter frame was made of cast Aluminum used for industrial oil. The element The filter mesh is made of industrial wire woven hole screen, main material is SS.

2. General Data

Design Pressure Max. Working Pressure Port Size Medium
25Mpa/250bar 0.8Mpa/80bar 10~300mm Viscosity of 24cst clean oil

3. General Dimensions
GGQ Filter
Refer To:
SPL, DPL Filter
Refer To:
CLQ Filter
Refer To:
SWCQ Filter
Refer To:
SLQ Filter
Refer To:

4. Model Indication (Ordering Code)

SPL, DPL, CLQ…. Item Name
40 Filter Size, Port Size
118 Mesh Size
SS Mesh Material

5. Testing Requirement
Filter Strength :
  Tested under pressure of 0.8Mpa in 60 min. when the filter house & cover sealed, it should be no leakage. (Air tested allow) -Sampling 15%.
Filter Sealing :Tested under pressure of 0.8Mpa in 30 min. when the filter house & cover sealed, it should be no leakage,. (Air tested allow) -Sampling 10%.
Dimensional tolerance: According to general dimensions
Appearance: No visible flaws
Weight: Not lighter than normal 10%

 6. Testing Inspection Classification
Type test (Samples not less than 3pcs.) and Factory test (Alternate visual and air measurements)

7. Inspection decision rule
The oil filter that meets the requirements of all inspection items is judged to pass the factory inspection; if the oil filter does not meet the requirements of the casting inspection, it is judged that the batch of oil filters is unqualified; the inspection of other items, if there is an oil filter that does not meet the requirements, it is allowed to return for repair After the re-inspection, if the re-inspection meets the requirements, the oil filter will be judged to pass the factory inspection; if the re-inspection still does not meet the requirements, the oil filter will be judged to be unqualified.

8. Package
For exporting air or shipping, less than 20kgs by paper carton, otherwise, by plywood case or pallet.

Kết thúc
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