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Moment Couple Discover the Tragic Reason Their Backyard Is Sinking: ‘Grave’ kiến thức mới năm 2023

Moment Couple Discover the Tragic Reason Their Backyard Is Sinking: ‘Grave’ – Cập nhật kiến thức mới nhất năm 2023

A couple who surveyed a ditch in their backyard only to discover the final resting place of a dog have gone viral after sharing their heartbreaking discovery online.

Sue Rose, who lives in Essex, England, shared a video of the discovery of a dog grave on TikTok in July. Since then, it has been viewed more than 300,000 times.

In the video, the couple only shows some of what they found while surveying the uneven ground. In the caption, the poster reads: “We found a dog grave in the middle of the lawn.”

Research shows that losing a pet can affect a person as badly as losing a human family member.

Pictures from the viral video show the couple’s heartbreaking discovery in their backyard. After stumbled upon the dog’s final resting place, they carefully replaced items and ensured the grave was safely reburied.

A study investigating grief responses to the loss of pets concluded that if pets are seen as family members, death can disrupt family members’ lives and family functioning, just as human family members do when they die.

Humans dealing with the loss of pets have been documented dealing with confusion, post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety, with evidence that pet grief can last up to a year.

While losing a pet is different for everyone, it can always hit harder for those close to pets. Research shows that for some owners, their pets are the only reason they get up in the morning, while for those who live alone, their pets may be their primary form of socialization.

Ross told Weekly newspaper: “In early summer, we were playing badminton in the garden, and I noticed a ditch that was getting worse on the lawn. When I stood on it, the ground started to cave in and my foot got stuck in the hole. My The husband dug down to see what was causing the problem and found a hole under the lawn.”

Rose filmed the moment as her husband started digging, trying to capture the full extent of the damage and the cause of the unusual hole in the ground. But what they found next surprised them both.

“There was a box, the top had disintegrated, and dirt fell into the box,” she explained. “It turned out to be a makeshift coffin. We found a dog toy and bowl, and then something that was clearly a dog.”

When they realized what they had found, the couple carefully put the toys and bowl back together and plugged the remaining hole so it wouldn’t collapse again.

“It’s very frustrating because we’re all animal lovers,” Ross said.

In more than 1,000 comments, viewers of the now viral video were quick to share their thoughts on the unusual discovery.

“That’s someone’s best friend,” said one TikTok user, while another wrote: “As my own dog owner, this makes me cry.”

Commenters on the video praised the couple when Ross explained in a later comment that they had carefully replaced everything they found and made sure it wasn’t disturbed.

“Your respect for the resting place of lost fur babies is beautiful,” said one reply.

Another commenter wrote: “Bless you for saving his resting place, not your lawn.”

“The response to TikTok was unexpected,” Ross said. “But most of the comments are lovely and understanding, especially when people realize we’ve done the right thing, and once we know what’s going on, don’t bother with it.”

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